MAP Growth Testing Update #3

 Please feel free to watch the video or read the text - the content is exactly the same!


I hope you’re all doing very well!

Just a quick update on the MAP growth tests scores. Teachers have started to look at the data from the tests and become familiar with it. Now that they have had the chance to do that, I have created each of your children’s individual reports and am uploading them into their Managebac portfolios. Putting them into Managebac makes them easy to access by parents, teachers or students so they can be referred to quickly and easily. You are able to download them as PDF documents from there. 

I will get this done as quickly as I can and then send you a message to let you know they are ready and to give detailed instructions about how to access them as well as how to read them.

I should be able to have this ready by Wednesday next week. Many apologies for the further delay in getting this information out to you.

All the best… have a great weekend. Bye!
