A Time Travel Project in Grade 7

In Individuals & Societies, Grade 7 students are learning about exploration and the increasingly inter-connected world that resulted from these explorations. They did a case study of Marco Polo and used his journals to as a primary source of information about his experiences. In this creative project, they traveled back in time and put themselves in Marcom Polo's shoes as he encountered some of the wild animals, advanced systems and the use of resources that were present in China in the 13th Century. 
They used the costume room in the Auditorium in order to look as convincing as possible, the used the green screen and a digital camera to take the photos they needed for each situation, they found appropriate background images, they cropped the original photos using editing software and then layered the cropped images on top of the background image. Finally, they used Instapainting to convert the image into something that looks like a painting or drawing because, of course, cameras didn't exist in the 13th Century! 

Here is their work in the form of a digital book! Please click the link to take a look.
