MAP Growth Testing Update #2

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I hope you’re all doing well and that you’re getting ready to have a good break - I know that the students and staff are definitely ready for some rest and I’m sure you are too!

Here’s a quick update on our MAP growth testing as it stands today. 

Testing in Grades 3-5 is pretty much complete, with just a few tests to make up after the break if students missed them due to being absent or having technical difficulties.

Testing in Grades 6 to 10 is taking a little longer and about 15% of the tests still need to be completed when we get back from the break.

Once all the tests are complete, we will start generating the whole school data so that staff can start looking into the patterns and trends that are revealed. Once they have had a chance to engage with the data, we will generate the individual student reports and start to share with families through Managebac. You can expect to receive your child’s MAP report in the first week of November, along with detailed instructions about how to read and understand the information.

I hope you all have a well-deserved rest as we all continue to navigate this strange and uncertain time in our lives.
