Knowing Our Students


AISM teachers started the new school year by using a variety of strategies to get to know their students. Gathering information about the students helps us:

  • to be connected with who they are as human beings
  • to understand how they like to learn and how they don't like to learn
  • to get a sense of the things that motivate them and don't motivate them
  • to learn about the things that interest them and don't interest them
  • to find out what they see as their learning strengths and things they feel less confident about
  • to learn about their goals, principles, beliefs and values
In Grade 5, teachers used a tool called Mentimeter in order to find out how the students would describe themselves as Mathematicians:

They also asked Grade 5 students to complete these Motivation Mats:

In Primary Portuguese lessons, they used a game called "Two Truths and a Lie" in order to learn more about each other. Here's Ms. Ana's example:

In Grades 7 and 8, students made Mandalas that addressed the following four areas of their identity. Here's Mr. Sam's example:

Lots of other strategies were employed throughout the school as teachers got to know their students and as they started to develop their community of learners for this academic year. Feel free to ask your child what they did!
