MAP Growth Testing Update: The Big Picture


We have finished MAP growth testing for this academic year and are now starting the process of collating and analyzing data, inquiring into the data as a faculty, generating reports and sharing with families.

In order to make sure our community is fully informed about MAP at AISM, MAP during the global pandemic, what we do with the data, what the results do/don't show us and how to understand the reports, we will be making and releasing a series of short videos.

Part 1 (above) is an outline of the big picture of MAP testing at AISM, this year and into the next few years. Please take a few moments to watch the video as it will help you understand the school's strategy for MAP testing, the disruptions caused by COVID-19, our current reality and our plans for next academic year.

If you have any questions about the content of this video, please feel free to contact Sam, our Director of Learning.
