Our Virtual Library - Getting Real Books in the Hands of Students!

We are pretty proud of our AISM Virtual Library!

Getting real books into the hands of our students was a real priority at the start of this year, and the Library Team came up with a plan that would allow families to:

  • go to the Virtual Library through our Virtual AISM site
  • check the Library Catalogue
  • complete a form in order to check books out
  • request that they be left at the front gate of the school for collection
  • come and collect the books
  • read them!
  • bring them back to the front gate
  • have them checked back in to the system
  • do it all again!

When books are returned, they are quarantined before becoming available for check-out again.

So far, there's been over 120 individual requests and roughly 350 books checked-out, read at home and then returned. The families whose names appear the most in the check-out forms are the Quelhas, Wei, Abraham, Ayala and Campos families - well done!

Please continue to make the most of this service in the next few months - it gives our Library Team great satisfaction to see books going out of, and coming back into, our Library.
