4L Have Strong Opinions About Our Planet

How do you address your audience in a persuasive way? 

Grade 4L spent the last 8 weeks diving into deep issues around the world in our Sharing the Planet unit:

Central Idea: Interactions within environments have consequences

Lines of Inquiry:
  • The cause and effect relationships within the environment
  • How interactions impact environmental balance and sustainability
  • How advancement in technology changes and affects the world around us.
Changing people's thinking about how we treat the planet was 4L's purpose behind learning how to write a strong and persuasive opinion text. 

We learned how to persuade readers by using a strong and bold thesis, reasons to support that thesis, and finally, examples to help us elaborate about our reasons. 

Please take a few minutes to read our published pieces and learn how you can share our planet responsibly.

We Need to Use Less Plastic by Hannah (coming soon!)

Feel free to leave a comment on this post and share your opinions about sharing the planet too.
