"Dear World" by Mariana in Grade 3S


Dear World,

Everyone needs to “STOP RACISM” because you can't judge people by their color. Just because a person is a particular color, does not mean they are not nice or as special as anyone else. In fact we are all humans with: family members, eyes, nose, ears, bodies, lives, and friends. Maybe not all of us have shelter but we all learn and we need to support others and accept them the way they are.

My opinion is that it is very rude to be racist. Like what happened to Jorge Floyd, American police killed him just because of his skin color, and that's not right. He was: a dad, a brother, a son and most of all a young man and he was a human. It's unfair you are making people lose their self confidence and people will feel sad, anxious, a loser and uncomfortable with who they are.

Everyone has the right to be loved, have a family, have friends that love you. Everyone has the right to have freedom to be themselves, and live with freedom with no one judging them. People need to feel free in this world and feel confident with themselves.


From: Your Mariana in 3S
To: Our amazing world!


  1. Mariana, you have shared such an important message with us. Thank for your well organized and passionate opinion piece.

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  2. Thank you Mariana for opening up such an important conversation in the Primary School. I hope your poem has inspired many learners and teachers to prioritize time for conversations that explore these social justice issues - both within our walls and beyond them.

    1. Thanks for commenting... please remember to use the drop down menu to comment as your name using your school Google account.


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