
Showing posts from January, 2023

2nd Agents of Change meeting!

On Wednesday we had our second Agents of Change meeting.
This time round we had grade 5 students join us! Miss Sam lead the meeting and we began by playing a very interactive and fun improv game where Agents took turns shouting out an environmentally friendly action and two others would act it out. The Agents gave many environmentally friendly actions that we can do and the improving was brilliant!

Next the Agents discussed "What do we notice about the recycling bins?" at AISM and "What do we need to have a successful Recycling program?" In order to answer these questions, the Agents went around school looking at and in the recycling and non-recycling bins...

Notes taken during the "bin tour";

After observing our bins and what is being put in them, the Agents proceeded to answer the questions "What do we notice about the recycling bins?" at AISM and "What do we need to have a successful Recycling program?" 

Next the Agents of Change gave amazing ideas on what actions they could take as the PS Agents of Change;

Once all ideas were recorded, the Agents chose the two most impactful ideas to move forward with. The group decided who would be in which group.

At the next meeting the Agents of Change will begin making informational posters about recycling and begin brainstorming on the recycling video.

Once these are ready we will definitely be sharing them!
Stay tuned!