
Showing posts from December, 2022

The First meeting with our new Agents of Change!

On Wednesday we had our first meeting with our Agents of Change. We had a very excited group of 10 boys and girls from Grade 4. 

Lead by Miss Sam V, we did a fun and creative activity where one a sheet of paper divided into 3 we brainstormed challenges we see at AISM and in our communities relating to 1- Animals, 2- People and 3- Environment.

Once we had written some challenges down, we brainstormed ideas and solutions for the challenges.

Some challenges included litter and pollution, global warming, the shortage of trees on school grounds.

Some solutions included planting more trees, hosting fundraising events to fund our solutions, cleanups, more animal resources, amongst others.

Thank you to each one of the students that joined Agents of Change! We are so proud of this group already! Next year promises to be a great year where we aim at seeking and implementing ideas from the students themselves!