
Showing posts from August, 2022

Mozambeach Cleanup was a success!


This past Sunday a group of AISM students organised a beach cleanup named Mozambeach Cleanup. (LOVE the name!)

This initiative was organised by 3 students, however some grade 12's joined in as part of their CAS projects.

We met at the parking lot next to the Fish market at 9h. The students gave us gloves and bags and off we went.

It was a lovely day to go out and bask in the sun as we picked up the trash. The stretch of beach we were on next to the Fish market, isn't big at all but unfortunately it was littered enough to keep all 10 of us pretty busy for the hour and a half we were there.

Most littered items? Beer bottles, broken bottles, plastic bottle caps, masks, nappies and oddly enough, pieces of clothing, loads of them!

All in all, we didn't clean the whole beach of course but some trash was removed from the environment, which already makes a huge difference. I also believe it's important that people see the beaches being cleaned up by students, they were being an example and that makes me very proud of the AISM learners! Well done!



World Cleanup day is celebrated on 17 September this year. The Sustainability Committee will be organising cleanups too so please keep an eye for those.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and share.

Remember to reuse, reduce, recycle, repurpose and repair. 💚